The book, written as a dialogue between an American (David Krieger) and a Japanese (Daisaku Ikeda) peace activist, advocates that to create a true peace, ordinary people must make profound changes in their thinking about the world.

The authors combine their Western and Eastern perspectives to argue that we must move beyond narrow national loyalties to embrace a global vision that cares for all humanity, while strengthening global institutions to make that vision a reality.
All of this begins with people who are willing to speak out and take action to create a better future. One primary action is dialogue—to engage in a humanistic dialogue and to come to an understanding amongst people is an important step. The authors provide inspiring examples of individuals working for peace and an end to the nuclear threat. The authors give particular encouragement to youth to use their natural idealism in becoming engaged in social action and playing a role in shaping the world they will inherit. They suggest a philosophy focused on compassion, courage and commitment. Compassion to help others and discover value in everyone, the courage to take action and speak out for positive change and have the perseverance and commitment through whatever challenges one is faced with.
Published by Middleway Press
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