Your values, beliefs, and action can shape a sustainable world.

Two world-renowned global activists explore the rise of «grassroots globalists»—citizens all over the world who are taking responsibility to build a more peaceful, harmonious and sustainable future. The authors also discuss their own backgrounds and what led them individually to activism on a worldwide scale. At the same time, they provide encouragement and concrete information for the millions of other concerned citizens who want to make a difference.
A wide variety of issues that are now gaining greater recognition at all levels of society are explored, including sustainable development, economic justice, respect for indigenous peoples and their traditional lands and resources, democratizing politics and international institutions, making corporations accountable, and conserving the Earth’s biodiversity, water, air quality and climate.
Rather than dwell only on doom and gloom prophecies, Henderson and Ikeda embrace a practical yet profound optimism in human potential and our ability to build a brighter future. Arguing that a positive change of heart in one person can lead to a change in the world as a whole, they present compelling insights that will move and challenge the reader. By focusing on the spiritual values necessary to construct a better world, the two link complex global issues to ordinary people and assure us that we have the power to make a positive difference in our families, communities, countries and the world at large.
Published by Middleway Press
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